Publications Harmen van Wijnen (until 2016)
Harmen van Wijnen has the following publications to his name (until 2017).
- Van Wijnen, H., & Barnard, M. (2017), 'Faith Tribes as Powerful Communities of Adolescents in Highly Individualized Societies', in: Religious Education 112(4) , 418-430.
- Van Wijnen, H., & Barnard, M. (2017), 'Being-together as a Basic Given: Finding New Ways in Youth Ministry in a Time of Transition', in: Ecclesial Practices 4(1), 25-44.
- Van Wijnen, H (2016), Faith in Small Groups of Adolescents. Leiden: Eburon.
- Sonnenberg, P. M., Vogel-Visser, E., & Van Wijnen, H. (2016), 'Reconstructing Faith Narratives: Doing Research on the Faith of Adolescents', in: Journal of Youth & Theology 15(1), 23-43.
- Van Wijnen, H., Brouwer, R., & Barnard, M. (2016), 'From Institution to Instituted: The Need to Deconstruct the Church to Encourage an Organic Ecclesiology for Adolescents', in: Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 70(1), 31-48.
- Van Wijnen, H., & Barnard, M. (2014), 'From Organized Faith to Lived Faith: The Need for De-Laboratoryzing and De-Conceptualizing Youth Ministry', in: Journal of Youth & Theology 13(1), 6-23.
- Van Wijnen, H., & Barnard, M. (2013), 'Connected to the Wellspring: Ecclesiological Capabilities of Small Groups of Adolescents', in: International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 13(3), 208-221.