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Development of religious identity of orthopraxic young Muslims

How do orthopraxic young Muslims perceive their development of religious identity? 

About this research

What constitutes the religious identity of orthopraxic young Muslims? How has their religious identity developed? Who have played a part in this? What is the relation between the development of their religious identity and the society in which they live? Elsbeth Visser-Vogel MSc carried out qualitative research on the development of religious identity of orthopraxic young Muslims in the Netherlands. Young people ranging in age between 20 and 22 were interviewed several times (2010-2015).

Interesting literature

  • Bertram-Troost, G.D. (2006). Geloven in bijzonder onderwijs. Levensbeschouwelijke identiteitsontwikkeling van adolescenten in het voortgezet onderwijs (Believing in special education. Spiritual development of identity of adolescents in secondary education). Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum.
  • Koning, M. de (2008). ‘Wie denk je wel dat je bent?’ Etnografisch onderzoek onder moslimjongeren in Gouda (‘Who do you think you are?’ Ethnographic research among young Muslims in Gouda).
  • Marcia, J.E., Waterman, A.S., Matteson, D.M., Archer, S.L. & Orlofsky, J. (Eds.). (1993). Ego identity: handbook for psychosocial research. New York: Springer Verlag.