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- podcast
- Podcast: The Challenge of Youth Agency in Migrant ChurchesWhat does youth agency look like in a church context that is traditionally shaped by hierarchical relations? And what are the challenges of youth ministry in the context of migration? What could the Confucian concept of interdependency mean for youth ministry with and by Korean youth?
- Podcast: Youth Groups and Ecclesial ImaginationIs a ‘youth group’ operating outside the borders of the main church a ‘church’? And who decides whether such a youth group is a church or not? What questions do these and other youth ministry practices raise for ecclesiology?
- Podcast: Emerging Youth Ministry Research in Kenya and The Role of UbuntuWhat are the challenges for youth and youth ministry research in Kenya? And what is the role of the concept of 'ubuntu' in faith formation and apologetics in youth ministry?
- Podcast: Migrant adolescents and the image of GodWhat does migration do to adolescents and their image of God, and their faith? What does it mean for their religious identity? How do migrated adolescents live out their faith in secularised Europe?
- Podcast: The shaping of South African youth ministry researchWhat is the voice and the identity of youth ministry and youth ministry research in South Africa? And what is that South African identity of youth ministry in a globalised context and in academic research?
- Podcast: Integrating theological perspectives on youthWhat theological perspectives on youth and adolescence have shaped Christian ministry among young people? What perspective (or combination of perspectives) should shape Christian ministry among young people?
- Podcast: Religious identity development in strictly Reformed contextsHow does religious identity development look like in strictly Reformed contexts in The Netherlands? How do young adults experience this religious identity development themselves? What is their voice?
- Podcast: Children in worship and the agency of childrenWhat is the agency of children (0-12) in worship and liturgical practices? How does the paticipation of children influence worship and liturgy?
- Podcast: The past, present and future of youth ministry researchHow do you start youth ministry research from scratch when there is hardly any theological research tradition and academic knowledge base in the field of children and youth in your context?