Mission and vision
Our world is changing at a rapid pace. In a dynamic and rapidly changing environment, the faith and religious identity of children and young people is formed. Children and young people's journey into who God is and what faith means is an exciting undertaking, but also a vulnerable process to which many contribute, in all kinds of contexts, from different angles.
The OJKC conducts research into faith formation and religious identity development of children and young people, and into practices in family, church, school and society in which these processes take place. We believe that scientific research contributes to a practice that deals creatively and thoughtfully with the individuality of children and young people, and their ability to give shape to a belief in God in their lives and experiences.
Faith and spirituality are part of the human experience and therefore part of the youth of children and young people. It helps them find their way in this world and take their place in society. We believe that the discovery of God and faith by children and young people deserves attention, research and reflection, so they have enough space and support to embark on that journey.
Our researchers have an intellectual and spiritual commitment to children and young people, faith educators and practitioners, and are committed to increasing, sharing and exchanging knowledge for good practice of faith formation and religious identity development. We conduct scientific research at a high level and at the same time marvel at how God becomes visible in and through children and young people and their faith.